Montesano Brothers at Saint Anthony's Banquet Hall .Address: 259 Church Street, Downingtown, PA 19335. Directions From business Route 30 in Downingtown: Turn at the traffic light onto Viaduct Avenue across from Downing Avenue and the Downingtown Diner. Follow Viaduct Avenue through the railroad underpass, then follow the sharp left curve onto Bradford Avenue, then turn right while traveling uphill on Church Street. Pass in front of the building and then immediately turn right into the driveway next to the building to the upper level parking lot. The banquet hall entrance is next to the driveway on the parking side of the building.
Cocktails ( Cash Bar) and Social Hour 5:00 PM followed by a Buffet Dinner at 6:00 PM. We have the facility from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
Speaker: Cyril Quatrone, Center Valley, PA. Cyril is an avid hiker and is currently trying to hike every mile of every trail on the KTA map. Hopefully he can inspire some of us to think beyond our self imposed limits.
Menu: Chicken and Mushroom Marsala, Meatballs in Gravy, Tortellini Blush Assorted Roasted Veggies, Mixed Greens Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing, Rolls, Butter, Cake and Fruit. Montesano Brothers will make a special entree for any member who is vegan. Once I have your name the caterer will have your meal in the kitchen Please let them know when you arrive at the food line. Please contact Dee McGrath at for details regarding your meal.
Price per person. $55.00
Reserve your place by registering and paying through the website. You may add your spouse or other guests directly to your registration and pay the total cost by credit card. You may also print the invoice and mail your check. Make checks payable to CCTC and mail to Chester County Trail Club P. O. Box 2056, West Chester, PA 19380-0081 attach your invoice.
If you have a dual membership just add the primary member’s name and the second as a guest.
Check or registration must be received by October 23. 2024 ( we need to give the caterer the final count)